• +256786937787
  • enjubuwildlife@gmail.com

Frequently asked questions


We have a wide range of fabulous Safari tours to choose from.

Tip 1: If you're looking for a specific Safari tour, use the keyword search box located at the top of the site. Simply type what you are looking for, and prepare to be amazed!

Tip 2: If you want to explore a category of Safari tour, use the Safari Categories in the upper menu, and navigate through your favorite categories where we'll feature the best Safari tour in each.


You have 15 days to make a refund request after your order has been delivered.


There are a few certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns:

  1. Return request is made outside the specified time frame, of 15 days from delivery.
  2. Cancelling your safari in the middle of expedition.


The items that can be carried are on Safari:

Items that fall into the below product types-

  • Safety devices except Guns and ammunition
  • Lingerie
  • Socks
  • Software
  • Music albums
  • Books
  • Swimwear
  • Beauty & Fragrances
  • Hosiery

Also, any consumable items that are used or installed cannot be carried.

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